What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Vermont?

Which state department assist seniors in Vermont? Vermont's DAIL’s Adult Services Division administers the Choices for Care Long-Term Care Medicaid Waiver serving Vermont residents who are 65 years of age or older as well as people 18 years of age older with a physical disability who have met financial and clinical criteria.

What programs assist older adults in Vermont? The Choices For Care 1115(a) Long-Term Care Medicaid for physical disabilities and older Vermonters program assists seniors in Vermont.

What is the best number to call to get started? Individuals interesting in applying for the Vermont Choices for Care services are advised to contact an Area Agency on Aging that serves the areas in which the person resides. See The list of providers and their contact information . You can also call the Senior Help Line at 1-800-642-5119.

Is there a website? To get information about aging and physical disabilities services, go to:

Who Qualifies For Assistance?

Who qualifies for the Elderly Waiver inVermont? You must be 65 years of age or older or 18 years of age with a physical disability to qualify for Vermont's Choices For Care waiver. a You must also be eligible for Medicaid.

How old do you have to be to start receiving waiver services in Vermont? You must be 65 years of age or older OR 18 years of age with a physical disability to qualify for Vermont's Choices For Care waiver.

Is There a Waiting List For Services?

How long is the waiting list for the waiver in Vermont? At this time, there is not a waiting list for the Vermont Choices for Care for participants determined to be highest/high needs for clinical eligibility standards. At this time, there are approximately 500 people on the wait list for participants with moderate needs. The wait list fluctuates substantially throughout the year.

What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?

What services does the Eldery Medicaid waiver program offer in Vermont? Choices for Care offers the following services: Case Management; Personal Care; Respite; Companion; Adult Day; Assistive Device; Home Modifications; and Personal Emergency Response System.

How Do You Select A Provider?

Do you have a choice in providers in Vermont? Choices for Care participants choose a Case Management agency to facilitate their choice of provider as indicated in their care plan. Choices for Care providers include Adult Day (14 providers), Home Health Agencies (12 providers ), Area Agencies on Aging (5 providers ), Enhanced Residential Care (62 providers ), and Nursing Facilities (40 providers ).

How Do You Become A Provider?

Call (802) 871-3047 for information about becoming a Vermont Choices for Care provider.

Additional Information

You can also call Vermont's Benefits Service Center at (800) 479-6151 to access the Benefits Service Center.